Make Armored Mud Balls a State "Sedimentary Structure"
Contact the author of the petition
New Bill Numbers for 2025-26: House=HD.548; Senate= SD830
2025-01-20 14:34:12Hello Loyal JAMBers (Jurassic Armored Mud Ballers)
I am extremely pleased that you took the time to do the online Petition and even make comment! Thanks. Now, a massive show of political force is needed to convince our Massachusetts' legislators that these rare and unique specimens need to be officially recognized and celebrated as our State Sedimentary Stsructure. We are poised to be the only state having an official sedimentary structure (omitting fossils, which are also "sedimentary structures").
So, Mass. residents (and all "out-of-staters" who can contact and inform Mass. residents) do this: contact your State Legislators and request 2 things -- support the bills and also (importantly) SIGN ON AS CO-SPONSORS! We will need 40+ legislative co-sponsors or these bills will not have a significant chance of passage.
Note: it is really easy to find (via Google) and email your State Legislators. Yes, really easy! Our local Conn. River Valley area legislators are on-board with this, but we especially need people from the E and W of Massachusetts, like the Boston area. They are much less knowledgable about JAMBs. It is important to focus our outreach here.
Let me know how I can help. I can send free promo materials like bumper stickers and info cards. Hats and T shirts are available at cost at the website.
Thank you. We must save these rare-in-the-world features from being forgotten! Rock On...... Prof. Little
PS ... Do you wish to be on my "local geo" email list for events? We have a JAMBer "Working Group" to promote the JAMBs legislative effort. You can join.
Prof. Richard D. Little
Mass. House Bill H3129 is the Armored Mud Ball bill!!
2023-10-20 04:16:17Hello supporters. Just wanted you to know that the Mass. House is now officially considering the proposed "Jurassic Armored Mud Balls as a State Sedimentary Structure"! I has a bill number: H 3129. You can send an email of support to before Oct. 27, 5 pm. We are hoping for success in making this official. I will keep you posted and thanks for all comments on this petition site.
Prof. Richard D. Little
new TShirt for you + legislation is filed
2023-01-21 14:00:10Hello to AMB enthusiasts! A new T-Shirt is now ready for order, at cost for $25 (not for international addresses). Contact me for details. You can see lots more information at the AMB web site,
I am very happy to report that the Massachusetts State Legislature will now officially be considering (at least in a committee) having the rare Jurassic AMBs become officially recognized as a State Sedimentary Structure. Thank you all for your efforts in signing this online petition. More signatures and comments are important as this effort moves along over the next 12+ months.
Sincerely Rock On....Richard Little, Prof. Emeritus and living fossil, Greenfield Community College, Greenfield MA USA
Prof. Richard D. Little
Famous Cartoonist takes on AMBs!
2022-10-27 03:02:58.jpg)
Prof. Richard D. Little
Armored Mud Balls in the news....
2022-08-14 03:55:33Dear Valued Supporters! Thank you for signing the Petition and for the many comments that are included. These will all become part of the material submitted to Mass. legislators as this process proceeds.
Please note that armored mud balls have now become a published Wikipedia article! (Accomplishing this was harder than you might expect.) Also, there will be a New England Public Media radio story from an interview I did with Jill Kaufman, plus a very nice, illustrated news article was published in the Springfield Republican August 8, 2022.
Thank you all for your support and for spreading the word. Want to buy an "official" armored mud ball hat (at cost)? See the web site. Post cards and bumper stickers are also available (free). Contact your State Legislators and let them know to "save the Jurassic armored mud balls" by making them an official State "Sedimentary Structure" in 2023.
Please contact me with your questions and/or comments. Rock On.....Richard
Prof. Richard D. Little
update on the Armored Mud Ball project
2022-05-03 17:28:02Dear Supporters,
First, thank you for your support and enthusiasm! There are lots of great comments on this Petitions web site. I have made some additions and revisions to the web site that may be of interest, such as a re-edit of the promo video and more information about where to see armored mud balls in Franklin County.
Keeping up the promotion of this effort is important. Over 1100 have made contact with the web site or You Tube video and hopefully, we will have many times this by late fall when final plans will be made for legislative action to make Jurassic Armored Mud Balls a Massachusetts State "Sedimentary Structure". Many thanks to you all plus MA State Reps: Paul Mark, Sean Garballey, and Jack Lewis.
Please get in touch with me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. I have promo postcards to send to you if requested. The web site also shows a really nice embroidered AMB hat you can buy (at cost).
Thank you, and "Rock On".......Richard
Prof. Richard D. Little
new, informative AMB web site
2021-10-04 02:54:00Prof. Richard D. Little
Armored Mud Ball "Sedimentary Structure" Support Strong and Enthusiastic
2021-04-02 04:35:15Hello AMB fans. Over 350 people have seen my 6 minute video in this first month of promotion and many have signed the petitiion and left nice comments as well. Besides Rep. Paul Mark, we have Rep. Jack Lewis on board. Thank you for supporting the celebration and recognition of these unique and interesting geologic features. They could easily be neglected, forgotten, and lost. We will have an armored mud ball field trip scheduled sometime in summer or fall.
The legislation for recognition will potentially be filed in Jan. 2023, so there is still time for overwhelming education and outreach for this effort.
Do you wish some promotional postcards? Please get in touch and I'll mail them. Thanks for spreading the word via your networks.
Sincerely, Richard D. Little
Prof. Richard D. Little