Back Our Freelance Instructors - Singapore

This is a list of all the freelance instructors from various Singapore CCAs and enrichment classes across the board, from all schools, that are currently affected by the CCA shut down for 2 weeks.

We have abided by the government's guidelines to defer all non-essential travel, only to be told that CCAs and other enrichment classes/courses will be shut down for 2 weeks once schools reopen. This means we are NOT eligible for the $100/day allowance (which is available for those serving SHN), and currently have no confirmation that the fee for the hours/classes that we committed to will be honoured by the schools. 

This list has 2 purposes: to demonstrate to the government the sheer number of people this new directive will have a financially negative impact on, and to petition that the government/MOE helps us by encouraging or enforcing that schools must still compensate instructors, preferably in full.

The health of the community is of the utmost importance. However, this quite literally affects our ability to feed ourselves, our families, and whether or not we are able to make rent this month. 

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