Ban Gain-of-Function Research

We, the undersigned,are aware that laboratories worldwide are engaged in so-called 'Gain of Function' research to make animal viruses infectious to humans.

We note that the US US National Institute of Health under Dr Tony Fauci funded such research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China to enable Covid-19 to transmit to humans.

We note also that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have just begun a five-year, $9.5 million grant to UW-Madison, whose lead researcher virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka, is currently trying to make Bird Flu infectious to humans.

We also note that German pharma company Wacker are investing in a huge factory to manufacture mRNA 'vaccines'.

And we call for an immediate end to 'Gain of Function' research and for a worldwide ban on this dangerous and unethical practice.

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