Bring Mock Exams and Study Leave Back

 The decision to cancel mock examinations and study leave at Westlake Girls High School was one made without the input of the student body- the people that this decision effects the most. The value of practice examinations and study leave is monumentally more than that of only two more weeks of teaching time. This decision should be altered if the student body wishes it so. In this current climate, where there is so much uncertainty having our practice examinations is vital. Considering that many countries that were seemingly out of the woods have faced a second wave of covid-19, cancelling mocks seems illinformed. If the NCEA examinations are cancelled, and our topic tests are used for derived grades, this could dramatically change peoples future. For Year 11's the real examinations will be the first time they ever enter the examination room, and if NCEA examinations are cancelled the topic tests that Year 13's sit will determine their future career paths, an unfathomable idea. Furthermore, study leave is extremely valuble for students, it is time that we can use to focus on studing topics that we specifically need to revise. Please sign this petition and leave a comment explaining why you want mocks and study leave back, so that this decision can be changed.

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