Buying medal detectors with the $5mill we’re supposed to get in December

So recently with all the school shootings, threats and more going on....people like me, friends, family, and many others fear going to school due to the fact, they might might not make it home. Northeast high school doesn't seem to genuinely prioritize, safety matters and precautions. I've talked too many people and I've heard word that we are getting $5 million towards Cecil County Public schools in December. I've heard word of principles talking about using the money to go towards locked phone pouches rather than something more effective like metal detectors. I believe every morning when walking into school, there needs to be metal detectors to detect ANY weapons! As well as some form of identification (School ID Cards we are given to EVERY PICTURE day) to be allowed to enter the school. This needs to be put into effect immediately. I fear going to school everyday and we should NOT have to deal with that. Please sign this petition every persons signature counts.

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