Call for Accountability for Police Brutality


To: The Minister of Police, Republic of South Africa, Minister,  Mr SenzoMchunu.

Subject: Call for Accountability for Police Brutality on 13th September 2024

We, the undersigned, express our deep concern and outrage at the recent incident of police brutality perpetrated against the Areington Muslim family in Port Elizabeth, on Friday, 13th September 2024. This unacceptable act of violence, brutality and intimidation by the South African Police Service (SAPS) is a grave violation of human rights and an affront to the principles of justice and equality. Members of the family were subjected to unjustified force, harassment, assault and intimidation by thugs in plain clothes, with their faces covered by balaclavas. During what was supposed to be a search operation. Such actions reflect a dangerous abuse of power and a failure to uphold the law with integrity and respect. We call upon the Minister of Police to: Investigate the incident immediately and transparently. Hold all responsible officers accountable for their actions. Ensure that measures are taken to prevent such acts of brutality from recurring. Provide justice and support for the victims of this heinous event. We stand together against oppression, discrimination, and violence. By signing this petition, we demand urgent action to uphold the dignity and rights of every citizen in South Africa.

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