South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC) consultation documents create an impression that the SWDC is raising rates by only 2%. That is not the case. The Council plans to increase its annual operating expenditure by 18% for next year – see page 24 of Council’s supporting information for consultation. There is smoke and mirrors around the figures but it is clear that rates will rise over the longer term from Council’s proposals this year by at least 13%, and likely more especially if the Greytown Sports proposal is included which it currently isn’t.


We do not think the Council is acting responsibly in the face of a significant economic recession with business failures, unemployment, devalued property, sharemarket losses, etc, widely expected. Given the economic situation we think the proposed increase of expenditure is one that the community, and especially those on fixed incomes, can’t afford



We, the undersigned residents of the South Wairarapa, request the South Wairarapa District Council to revisit its proposed 18% increase in operational spending in the annual plan and cap any increase in operational expenditure to 2% for the next three years.


HAYES; WRIGHT; EVANS; COOK; MERICK; SOUTHEY    Contact the author of the petition

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