Change for Mental Health Services Wexford- we deserve better!

Enough is enough- let us come together to prove just how many lives really are affected by mental health issues in Ireland and call out the services that are provided for not implementing their duty of care.

Mental Health Ireland report that studies have found Ireland has one of the highest rates of mental health illness in Europe. So let us ask a serious question- who is responsible for ensuring the funded services provided to us, are providing an accepting level of care to their patients? 

The HSE stated that in recent findings, of those who died by suicide, more than half of those people had been in contact with medical health professionals. 

The truth is, too many of us suffer because of this. We are being denied the right to life-saving intervention. How many more lives will be lost before action is taken to change this? How many of our loved ones will end their lives as a result of their incompetence? 

Please join me in standing up for our human rights- we must do this four ourselves! Sign you name; recognise how many people in Ireland will not tolerate this lack of care-let our voices be heard! Sign your name and help me force change, for every person before us, with us now and those to come in the future.

If you wish to include a personal experience anonymously, please leave a comment and I will be in touch.  

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