Change the Funeral rules for Alert Level 4

At Alert Level 4, no family members are allowed to attend a loved ones funeral - this is taken from

"Funerals and tangihanga at Alert Level 4

Gathering together for funerals and tangihanga is not permitted at Alert Level 4." 

This is causing irreparable distress at an already stressfull time - please see this article for an example of this. No one should have to watch a burial from accross the road, with the threat of the police being called if they set foot in the cemetary:


I propose that the L3 rules also apply at L4:

"Funerals and tangihanga at Alert Level 3

At Alert Level 3, you can hold a funeral, tangihanga or burial, but these are limited to 10 people. The 10 person limit includes kaikaranga, kaikōrero, members of the clergy or staff who are attending.

Formal tangihanga involving large gatherings cannot take place at Alert Level 3.

Up to 10 people in the same bubble may go to view the tūpapaku — the person who has died by appointment with the funeral director. Other whānau can view the body by appointment, but only in groups of up to 10 from the same bubble.

Talk with your funeral director about specific arrangements, including how to maintain physical distance. They can guide you on the best options for your situation, which may include livestreaming or video so others can take part in the service remotely.

No food or drink can be served, and physical distancing should be maintained between people.

If you are attending a funeral or tangihanga, we recommend you:

  • keep 2 metres away from people you do not live with
  • avoiding physical contact, including harirū, hongi, kissing, and hugging
  • wear a face covering."





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