Christopher Luxon must have the Leaders Debate in Christchurch before the election

While it is a shame that Hipkins has covid and unable to attend the first debate, he will be in Christchurch again with Christopher Luxon next week and because Luxon is a public servant he is liable to have this debate. Christopher Luxon is walking around and making bookings for his cammpaingn and is behaving like the CEO of a company and not a public servant.
He should attend the Leaders debate with Chris Hipkins and perform his duty as a leader of the opposition and a pubic servant. 
Christopher Luxon should not be able to simply change what is a part of a democratic right to the people before an election. 
christopher Luxon is a public servant and the public have the right through our democracy that he attend the new date for the debate, if he refuses he is not allowing democracy within our election. Please sign this petition so that we the people can hear what Luxon has to say about his fiscal plan and his policies.?

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