City of Hannibal Annex

Petition Against Annexation

We, the undersigned residents of Clover Road, Meadows Road, Brook Road, Head Lane, Sherwood Estates neighborhood , and Village Road in Marion County, express our strong opposition to the proposed annexation of our properties into the city limits of Hannibal. We believe that this annexation would have negative consequences for our community.

We urge the City of Hannibal to reconsider this annexation proposal, taking into consideration the concerns of the affected residents. Annexation may impact our local autonomy, property taxes, and community character.

By signing this petition, we affirm our desire to maintain the current status of our neighborhood and resist any actions that might compromise the well-being and identity of our community.

Ashley Ledbetter 
79 Meadows Rd 
January 16, 2024 




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