Close down illegal motor repair business in Harmelia Extension 1

We the undersigned residents of Harmelia Extension 1 (the suburb) noting that :-  

1. Properties in the suburb are zoned residential 1.

2. That 20 Sydella Street, Harmelia Extension 1 continues to operate a motor vehicle repair business without the necessary property rights despite numerous complaints being lodged with the Municipality and to the best of our knowledge after being issued with compliance notices which remain unenforced.

3. There is noise pollution due to the motor vehicle repair business.

4. Potential ground water or storm water pollution if used oil is not disposed of in the correct manner. And

5. That the operating of this business devalues the market value of houses in the suburb, disrupts traffic and in our opinion is a security risk.  

We therefore:   Call on the City to take immediate legal action to close this business down as it is contravening town planning bylaws and for the MMC City Planning as the custodian department of these bylaws to report back to the community on action steps being taken to finalise this matter.   

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