Employ social workers to fight social ills in the province of KwaZulu-Natal

South Africa as a country is faced with so many social ills, such as GBV, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, violence in our schools, bullying and many more. We can all agree that social workers are best suited and well trained to deal with these social ills. In the year 2003, Social Work was declared a scarce skill and critical profession. According to the National Development Plan, the country needs 55 000 social workers by 2030. Currently over 2600 Qualified Social Workers in Kwazulu-natal province alone are unemployed. As the Unemployed Social Workers Movement in KZN we want the South African Government to employ these graduates on a full time basis. Social workers are needed in our schools, communities and other government's institutions. IMG-20240304-WA0048.jpg

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