Establish a University Centre for Palliative Care



This petition is prepared according to art. 35¹ of the Law no. 411-XIII on Health Care from 28.03.1995 in order to ensure an integrated, efficient and resilient approach to the field of palliative care in the Republic of Moldova. In order to demonstrate to the authorities the importance and necessity of creating the University Center for Palliative Care we need your support! In this context, we come with the request to support us with an online signature and to help us spread this message!

Thank you very much!  


In our country there are people who suffer from chronic progressive or incurable diseases and who need the support of us, of society, because their lives consist of hours, days or months of suffering. In order to improve the quality of medical care and free palliative care in the Republic of Moldova, it is imperative to create a modern scientific-practical center, to implement palliative technologies, to train and develop necessary skills in the field, as well as to provide support in training medical staff at the highest standards. We believe that there is a beginning where these positive changes can start for patients with incurable diseases and their families - the creation of a University Center for Palliative Care. 


The mission of the University Center for Palliative Care is to create and consolidate human, informational, community, normative, etc. capacities and resources in order to ensure the provision of high quality palliative care services by increasing the effectiveness, accessibility, equity and importance of these services at the national level. 

Such a Center can help solve a number of problems, including: 

  • the limited access of people suffering from incurable diseases to "terminal care worthy of a human being";
  • low patient satisfaction with the quality of palliative care services;
  • deficiencies in providing young specialists in the field of palliation;
  • the existence of deficiencies in the training of human resources in the field of palliation in terms of their compliance with international standards (planning, training, needs assessment, vulnerability as well as management, communication, etc.);
  • insufficient approach to the concepts of multiprofessionalism and interdisciplinarity;
  • the existence of deficiencies in pediatric palliative care, etc. 

The objectives of the University Center for Palliative Care: 

  • Vocational training of specialists, especially young people, in the field of lifelong palliative care, in accordance with the needs of the national health system and technical-scientific progress;
  • Providing high quality palliative services, according to medical standards and health system needs;
  • Recruitment, maintenance and development of professional, intelligent, competitive human resources in the field of palliative care.  




More details: 

About project

Web page



A.O. PRINCIPII SĂNĂTOASE    Contact the author of the petition

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