Exempting Delft CapeTown from Eskom Loadshedding.

Delft  previously disadvantage  community.  Delft remains the murder capital of South Africa.

The Dark and God Forsaken Loadshedding era, where SA finds ourselves in, are a positive  conductor for Cable theft,  that leaves our community vulnerable  for weeks even months on end,  without Power. These conditions we living under are detrimental for those who are dependent on chronic medication. Healthy nutrition is,also at risk.

Delft  has the  highest crime  stats for  Eskom cable theft and vandilism, of Eskom infrastructure. This only occurs  during Loadshedding  Schedules.

Eskom has now taken a stance that, where there are power outages due to cable theft,  Eskom will not restore it and  the  affected commuties will be held responsible  for destruction of the Eskom infrastructure until community Engagement has taken place, which can days. Communities cannot punishes and being held responsible for criminality that are caused due to  loadsheding.

 This petition seeks to Exempt Delft from loadshedding or minimise the loadshedding  schedule  only during the day.

Sign this petition to put an end to the suffering of our Delft Community, due to load shedding.

This petition will be submitted to National Government. 

Michelle Adonis. DELFT community.    Contact the author of the petition

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