Fibre for Polo Prince

Hi Neighbours.

I have been trying to get Fibre to our street and made calls dating back 5 years!

I was very excited a couple of years ago seeing fibre being run along Mill road, Unfortunatley it seems we were not part of the government roll out! (The other half of Polo prince has Fibre.)

I have written letters, emails etc to our local council, MY ISP (vodafone), and chorus. I keep getting the run around and seem to circle in between them like a recycle sign!. This has taken...over time ...Hours and Hours of frustration and stress.

Our VDSL (copper connections are getting worse by the day and rain makes it even worse) it is horrible, Goes down to 3MPS and peaks at 10 to 18 MPS which is very slow!

Paid subscriptions for 4K netflix etc streaming is impossible, watching Sports on sparksport, sky via network is also low resolution and frustrating.

I created this petition to help include us as well with the fibre roll out.

I have also asked my ISP/Chorus for private fibre installation but have heard nothing back for months even though I call frequently.


Sam -    Contact the author of the petition

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