Field & Study / Urban Park Proposal - Support

By signing this document you are showing that you are in favour of the proposal submitted by Urban Park to City Parks for the adoption of the park for a period of 9 years and 11 months.

Urban Park is not a big corporation - far from it, it is 2 members of the Parkmore community that would like to see life back in our park, we would like to see people back in our park and most importnatly we would like people to feel safe in our park. Our proposal takes nothing away from the park that is currently avaliable to residents and park visitors. What it does do is bring much needed funds into the park and people back inot the park enjoying the numerous activities and facilities that will be improved and added.

The aim of the proposal is to introduce income streams into the park to ensure that there are funds to maintain and look after the park, improve facilities in the park, upgrade the parks security and to generate foot traffic back inot the park.

The proposal intends to do this by adding a padel facility and a resturant within the park and would assist in generting these much needs funds to inject back inot the park. We also would like to address the informal settlement within the park boundries and see how we can best interact with them to see if there is a workable solution around their relocation and a way of ensuring a stready income for their current recycling work being carried out. 

The full presentation with all the facts, figures and details can be requested by e-mailing or you can simply reach out to us if you require any further information on the proposal.

We thank you for your support in this proposal and we look forward to being able to work with the community to ensure we have a safe enviroment in our neighbourhood for all residents to enjoy and to benift from.

Bradley Godfrey - Urban Park    Contact the author of the petition

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