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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition THIS IS A PETITION TO REMOVE LAURA GLADING FROM OFFICE.
Guest |
#4512014-12-06 18:14Laura Glading, all my years at AA I've been told the majority rules and we have to do what the majority wants! As a German Speaker I've had my fair share of bid denials, pay discrepancies etc. and have always gotten an attitude or an "we have to do what the majority dictates" answer from the (my) union. At almost 30 years with this company and a member of this union I now find out you sold the union membership out and you can care less about the majority. That TA should have never been presented to us and you know exactly all of the reasons why not! I hope the rest of the membership wakes up and finds out the truth. I had suspected for a long time and just recently had confirmed myself how much you sold us out for. It's time for you to leave! |
Guest |
#4532014-12-06 20:31She is too close to management and isn't thinking of the F/A Who once had faith in her. |
Guest |
#4542014-12-06 20:35Our Union needs to represent its membership, not the needs of the company. The company only wants to profit and they are doing it on the backs of its loyal front line employees. We have endured much for a long time and we need more than what the company is offering. American's stock is at an all time high and with fuel prices dropping, workers pay and benefits cut to rock bottom and high demand the company will take all they can. We will be left to struggle at wages that are not industry leading and deplorable work conditions. Enough is enough!!! Union help or we need to find a union that will help. |
Pissed off |
#456 Re:2014-12-06 21:24And when it's time to vote her and the union out I don't want the union handling the voting process because we all know how they cheat. Let's take this to court or call in the government becaus this is no different than Wall Street corruption!! Who is in charge if this petion and what arc we going to do next??? It's time for action...... |
Guest |
#457 We need a hostile take over!2014-12-06 22:10We need to go out and recruit a new union. All we need is half the membership! The company cant pay off everyone. |
Guest |
#458 Sick out,,,,,Chaos,,,work to rule,,,self help!!!!2014-12-06 22:25Holiday sick out sounds good to me. Its the only way to get the company to wake up. |
Guest |
#4612014-12-07 03:18Wow are you FA'S who voted no dumb. What a bunch of walking morons. Enjoy the losses and congratulations for poking out your own eyes. Lmfao |
Pissed off |
#4632014-12-07 15:28Just talked to a united FA and she couldn't believe that we have a contract that were working under!! Wow she told me that if they do a trip during the holidays, they can bring their companion with them who will be positive space!!! She said that she had as go TA that turned into a 2day which went into her DO days. She was able to get her DO days on a trip that she had later in the month without actually doing the trip and get paid for it. As long as the days were available!!! Not to mention the holidays that they get paid for!!! Oh and by the way Delta has 7 holidays that they get time and a hf for !!! She has a tril for Monday and she was talking about the weather in the Philippines . She said she hopes he'd trip get cancelled because she would be happy and of course she would get paid...I couldn't believe it she says"we are pay protected" let's fight for respect!!!!!! |
Enough |
#465 Enough2014-12-07 16:06Called the union tape today it's still running the tape of announcements before the vote of the TA.. This is a very trying time that were going through right now! You would think that there's something to say to us right now to comfort us maybe a word of encouragement something from our supposedly union that we have!!! What are we paying our hard earned money for???????? Enough is enough!!!!!!! |
Guest |
Guest |
#4672014-12-07 21:50Please use common sense... Just quit |
Laura Glading Guest |
#4692014-12-08 00:39This is a mindless petition that lacks any authority or merit other than proving people can sign petitions multiple times in a non controlled environment lacking any oversight. The Union can see who signed so keep that in mind next time you have an issue. |
Guest |
#471 Sounds like extoration to me.2014-12-08 14:20Cant sign more then once fool. So now you want to extort. Pull the old fear game. Isnt that what the company did on our probation? Everything on here is going to an undisclosed ESQ. Especially for comments like this and an out of house union. You have played this game for a long time. In house union time is limited. |
Threaten |
#472 Re:2014-12-08 14:33You are a idiot!! This is when I wish we could know who's writing what because I would love to know your identity!!!!!!! I pray your not with the union because your threatening me that I wouldn't have any representation!!! Guess what I never have anyway- this union is worthless period... And I pray if I did need representation that this union would be non-existance !!! You guys are corrupt, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this ou!! |
Guest |
#473 Re: Re:2014-12-08 15:25Maybe the new union will integrate with Date of Hire for everyone.... the way it should be! |
10sfrk |
#475 Re: POST 4012014-12-09 10:41 |
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