Beskyt Graceland Randers Navnet!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Beskyt Graceland Randers Navnet!.
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2015-10-05 08:59- Date of removal: 2015-10-05
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#1532015-10-05 11:17Let Graceland Randers name the way it is! It is a great place for all the European fans |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-10-06 16:26- Date of removal: 2015-10-07
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This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-10-06 20:20- Date of removal: 2015-10-07
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This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-10-07 13:38- Date of removal: 2015-10-07
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#1572015-10-07 14:32Graceland Randers, er et super Elvis museum, og det bør absolut bestå, under navnet Graceland Randers når vi besøger Graceland Randers, og når vi hører navnet Graceland tænker vi på vort dejlige besøg i Memphis for nogle år siden. |
Guest |
#1582015-10-07 14:58i Signed this because i want to share my frustration with Henrik and thouseds others who believe in this project. Not only did Henrik knudsen legally went the right way before starting up this Graceland randers project. He was in his good right to name it like he did. I think what they try now in the US is to prevent something successfully to a) continue or B) they want to have their share of the success. BUT I think they forget the effect that Graceland randers also has in the us.they get A lot of visitors etc due to people being introduced to the king over here and who get so dedicated to the king and want more. Then they go to Memphis. |
Guest |
#1592015-10-07 17:54Regner med det er rigtig det du har skrevet, så jeg vil gerne hjælpe jer, så Greeceland består. Denne stævning tyder på at det er nogle pengegriske personer der står bag denne retsag. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-10-07 18:07- Date of removal: 2015-10-07
- Reason for removal:
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#1612015-10-07 19:22Elvis ville givetvis være glad og stolt af Henrik Knudsens initiativ, der har været ufatteligt flot og stort. Alle Elvis nærmeste burde være meget,meget stolte og glade for Graceland Randers! |
Guest |
#1622015-10-07 20:44Der er andre firmaer der bruger navnet Graceland,en dametøjbutik i Kbh.Et skofirma fra Tyskland |
Guest |
#1632015-10-07 21:04Fordi jeg er stor Elvis Fan, og fordi jeg ikke kan se at det ikke skulle hedde Graceland - Det er kun fordi der er nogle snobber i USA. |
Guest |
#1642015-10-07 21:33Just hate when a great idea and passion shall fall for other People's greed |
Guest |
#1652015-10-07 22:09Tak til Henrik for dit store arbejde med at genskabe The Kings Graceland i Graceland Randers Tak for store oplevelser |
Guest |
#1672015-10-07 23:30Det er enten grådighed eller nidkærhed, De skulle skamme sig! FUCK Dem. |
Guest |
#1682015-10-08 05:30Graceland Randers er med på å hedre Elvis, samt formidle hans historie og virke. Og skape interesse for mannen Elvis og hans musikk noe som er viktig også på utsiden av USA. |
Guest |
#1692015-10-08 06:03Fordi jeg ikke mener det er nogen trussel for Graceland i USA, og de nyder vel også godt af alle de penge vi bruger på Elvis |
Guest |
#1702015-10-08 06:25Der findes også et skomærke der hedder Graceland... det er vel egentlig mere "tvivlsom" i sammenhængen... |
Guest |
#1712015-10-08 06:41i was talking to someone i know that was very close to Elvis he reminded me that "graceland" was called that when Elvis bought it so EPE should have no claim over the name are EPE also going to sue paul simon for calling his album graceland ..........i have never been to graceland randers but i have been to memphis 6 times so far graceland randers is a great place to visit good luck henrik the fans are behind you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Guest |
#1732015-10-08 10:55Jeg holder meget af Elvis og hans musik og sang. Jeg synes også det er et pragtfuldt sted, Henrik har skabt med Graceland Randers. |
Guest |
#1752015-10-08 15:14Graceland Randers har været kraftig medvirkende til min interesse for Elvis og hele hans livsværk, som har medført vi 2 gange været på Graceland i Memphis og har planlagt endnu en tur til næste år! MEN denne retsag gør vi afventer bestillingen af turen. Vi vil ikke støtte yderligere op om EPE ! Søren og Lillian Christoffersen |
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