Save Strathcona Golf Course
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Bob |
#51 Save Strathcona Golf Course2016-03-12 14:57Some of the city fathers keep saying the city should not be competing and providing the same service as the private sector. All golf courses in the city that are public courses are 9 hole facilities. Only city owned Strathcona and Chapples are 18 holes. The other 18 hole courses are Whitewater and FWCC which are private and beyond the financial means of many citizens. 9 hole golf courses DO NOT provide the same level of golf experience nor service as Strathcona and Chapples. TO BE BLUNT THEY ARE NOT OF THE SAME CALIBRE AS STRATHCONA. If some city fathers do not acknowledge or understand this they are showing their complete ignorance surrounding this matter. So please stop making this case for selling. The golf community just celebrated the 90th anniversary of Strathcona; at this event in September Mayor Hobbs called Strathcona a gem and the best golf course in the city. The Strathcona Invitational has been recognized for years as the premier amateur golf event in the district. In the clubhouse at Strathcona the history of the course and the Invitational is laid out before your eyes. Great care has been taken preserving the history at Strathcona. For the mayor to even consider building condos on the property shows his lack of understanding the sense of history and significance Strathcona has played in our community for almost 100 years and can play for another hundred. Our city is better than this. Bob Cumming |
Guest |
#522016-03-12 21:30When I visit my family in Thunder Bay during the summer, I have in the past found myself enjoying a round of golf at Strathcona with my brother or with friends. It seems to me to be the best of the public courses we have the chance to play. |
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#532016-03-13 05:05There are many people who enjoy golf, especially seniors who gain much needed exercise of both the mind & body resulting in improvied well being. It is something they can do without a great deal of hardship. Strathcona golf course is a quality golf course not a second rate pasture like a few of the 9 hole courses that have sprung up in the area in the last few decades. It is a real quality course that is affordable for the regular Joe who cannot afford the elitist private courses. Most of all it needs to be marketed properly to gain new members and make it self sustaining. Why can't it compete for the golf market, it was here long before most or all of the present courses. |
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#542016-03-13 14:18I lived in Thunder Bay for almost 40 years and played in quite a few Strathcona Invitationals and loved that course. I also have friends who are members there and it would be a travesty to close the course. The City closed down Municipal, and I don't think they should close another muni course. I will be visiting friends in Thunder Bay in June and as usual intend to play golf at Strathcona. The course has an amazing history and has produced some great golfers....DO NOT CLOSE IT ! |
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#552016-03-13 19:53To keep the golf course open. There are other social facilities that lose way more money than the golf courses, and are still kept open. As far as competing with the private sector, they knew when they opened their courses that there were others in the city, and they opened them anyway..... |
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#562016-03-14 00:32Don't believe in closing facilities. ..look at the waste of the municipal course land...especially not at market value |
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#582016-03-14 15:35Because selling public recreational land to a private developer to create another 1950's residential subdivision on the basis of nothing more than the "opinion" of a mayor who has had some sort of epiphany in which, 'truth' has been revealed to him alone is neither valid nor acceptable. He will be gone in two years but this kind of decision is not reversible and neither he nor this council has that authority without a verified public mandate. A council made up primarily of people at or older than 60 has no right to make this kind of decision the fallout from which will be borne by the 30 and 40 year olds who will be the citizens living here for the next 30, 40, and 50 years. |
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#592016-03-14 16:06It seems to me that when you can't manage your own finances because of sheer stupidity, you have to resort to greed! |
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#602016-03-14 16:33Hobbs and the council has already done enough harm to the city. Leave Strath alone. |
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#612016-03-14 17:00This is too valuable resource to eliminate from the city holdings. It is in the interest of future citizens too retain this green space |
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#622016-03-14 17:01The City IS in the business of providing for its citizens. That includes green spaces like the Strathcona. The argument of not wanting to compete with the private sector is a red herring. They do it all the time. |
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#632016-03-14 17:12Public courses are important for ordinary citizens and important for tourism. Keep them open. |
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#642016-03-14 18:06absolutely ridiculous and irresponsible to even think about selling strathcona golf course |
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#652016-03-14 18:41The decision to sell Municipal Golf Course for an undervalued amount without decent due process was a slap in the face for local golfers. A similar result for Strathcona would be enough to have me relocate to a community with a better appreciation of the history and value of an iconic sports venue. |
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#662016-03-14 18:46City counsel seems to be hell bent on destroying our healthy recreational facilities for small financial gain. In the same token they want to build a ridiculous event centre that without question will be a financial disaster and will be a drain on the taxpayers of thunder bay for generations. If the golf courses were properly managed they would be a profitable asset, or is the poor management deliberate. |
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#672016-03-14 19:24Because our options are taken away from us. Seniors cannot all afford to golf at private courses. |
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#682016-03-14 19:30I learned to golf at Strathcona as a child, and still enjoy this course in my mid-fifties. Keep this as a golf course. |
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#692016-03-14 19:32We have enough sub divisions in Thunder Bay. If the city wants to sell Strathcona, sell it as a golf course. |
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#702016-03-14 19:43Strathcona isn't just a golf course. It is also a beautiful greenspace which the whole community would miss if it was turned over to housing development. |
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#712016-03-14 20:03I want the city of Thunder Bay remain committed to providing recreation to the residents of this city. Providing things like parks, activity centres and golf courses is one of the corner stones of making us a quality city. I think the city needs to find a streamline approach to reducing the costs and delivering golf to its residents at a fair price and with positive experience. |
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#722016-03-14 21:30This is a jewel of a golf course, that has had a long tradition in T Bay. It has always been a course that challenges even the best of the golfers. When Municipal was given away for a song, it put a lot of the Senior golfers out of the sport. Eliminating Stathcona because some councillors feel the city should not be the business, would again be a serious blow to golfers using public courses. |
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#732016-03-14 22:22Part of living in any community is quality and fulfillment of life. We are rapidly losing many resources such as public golf courses like Strathcona. There is plenty of land to develop even more housing projects that I am not quite sure we need at this point. We must strive to maintain a wide assortment of opportunities for our citizens to enjoy in their everyday lives. Once it's all sold off for a quick money boost in the city coffers, it's gone. I want to live in a well-rounded community. |
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#742016-03-14 22:22Residents should be careful what they wish for.....this golf course gives people quality of life. . . If it's always about money, then we should also close every hockey arena, the Canada Games Complex and the Community Auditorium as they are all subsitized by the tax payer because none of them make money. . . Why would anybody want to move here? |
Guest |
#752016-03-15 01:24Strathcona Golf Course is the oldest and best public owned golf course in the City of Thunder Bay. It has tradition and history and to terminate this would be a disaster as it was to sell of Municipal Golf Course which was designed for walking and seniors. Miss management is the big reason for any financial failure. |
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