Petition to Shut Down Provo Canyon School
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anonymous |
#26 A total nightmare2016-05-03 01:33I was in PCS for 8 months in 1993/4 and it was an absolutely horrific place. I was in the girls school. The amount of mental abuse and trauma that myself and the other girls at the school suffered is unforgivable. There is no reason that this school ought to even be running today. The majority of the staff were abusive. In retrospect I ought to have sued them, reported them,... something. I'm 36 years old now, and my teenage years are another lifetime ago, but I'll never forget the traumas I endured at PCS. The violation of basic human rights, the abuse, the isolation, the bizarre punishments, the persectution against anyone that was not a Mormon... just unbelievable that it even happened, and this school is still running. I was just looking it up out of curiosity as to find some of the other girls I was there with, and was shocked to see it is still running, and people continue to report the horrors of the place. There are two ladies I recall very clearly: Mo and Carolyn. They should be in prison for the abuse of power. Carolyn was just cruel. Mo was cruel and insane. She accused me of being a witch, and doing witchcraft, beause of a doll that my mother sent me (and because I did not attend the LDS services). She had it out for me something serious, and made every single day living hell. I wouldn't be surprised if Mo ended up in a mental institution or imprisoned for harming somebody. There was a lady there named Heather that was the only kind part of my stay. She was the only person that really cared about the girls, and wasn't on some cultish power trip. She was a really good person, and I've often wondered what became of her. Sadly, she was the only one that wasn't abusive, save a few of the teachers. What that school put me, and the other girls, through was unforgivable. I've no reason to exaggerate the horrors of it now. I've not even thought of it in the last decade or so. Seeing nothing was ever done to bring justice to the kids that were locked up there is just shocking, and felt compelled to shed some light on what went on in the early 90s. The girls I was locked up with could easily get together and sue them for everything they have -- at least to shut them down -- for the human rights violations that occured there day to day. |
Guest |
#272016-06-24 23:51Bonjour, Tout en vous remerciant de l'attention que vous accordez à mon vœu le plus cher, j'aimerais que vous sachiez que je ne m’étais pas trompée de personne. Mon souhait a toujours été de rencontrer une personne de DIEU, afin que cette dernière mène des actions sociales à travers une fondation. Toutefois, je comprendrais votre étonnement quant à ma façon de procéder. Je me nomme CORINNE BURIERE de nationalité Française mais actuellement en sous observation médicale dans un hôpital CNHU à COTONOU. J'ai dû vous contacter parce que je souhaite prendre par vous pour faire don d'une somme de 1.500.000 € dans les soucis d'aidé des personnes en besoin. Ma vie professionnelle a été un véritable tourisme d'autant plus que j'ai toujours vécu loin de mon pays. Malheureusement nous n'avons pas eu la chance d'avoir d'enfants. Après six (06) années de vie commune, mon époux a perdu la vie suite à une longue maladie. Ainsi je suis restée à nouveau seule jusqu'à ce que ce cancer vienne limiter ma vie. Cela fera bientôt quatre ans que je me bats contre cette maladie et la médecine ne peut plus rien suite aux résultats des examens médicaux dont mes jours sont comptés selon l’investigation de mon Docteur. J'avais bloqué ce montant si important dans l'une des BANQUES du BENIN pour un projet de construction. Je serai grée à vous confier cet argent pour que mon projet de donation abouti. Je vous prie d'accepter cela, car c'est un don venant d'une femme mourante et cela sans rien demander en retour. Vous pouvez toute fois me contacter, voici mon adresse mail privé : corinne - buriere (arobase) Cordialement. |
Guest |
#28 Re: Re:2017-01-27 02:11I was number 386 in the 90's. Still have nightmares. |
Guest |
#29 Re: A total nightmare2017-01-27 02:26#26: Anonymous - A total nightmare I was there from 91-92. Mo did the same thing to me!!!!!!!! I had blocked out her name, but the second I read it just now, everything came flooding bad! She was a crule woman! |
WickedJester |
#30 Re: PCS holocaust2017-05-03 22:56hi my name is Thaddeus Allen i went to PCS in Springvile,UT from 2007-2014i can tell u it was terrible starting with their $1400.789 monthly fee i am not kidding i got taken out because my folks were bankrupt after my unusal 7 1/2 yr stay there. if you want a full inqury find me on twitter at Shadow_Legion1 BTW I was #2714659 [218 for short] i rember having to fill out a pink slip every second of the month then answer the head doctors questions. they also drugged me with 200mgs of illegal narcotics without consnent of my folks. cant belive that after all these years its still going i watched someone die there after getting shivec by a staff. |
Guest |
#31 Re:2019-08-04 00:43#7: - my name is renee Hudson and I'm a sur survivor..that place will give me nightmares forever
A person lol |
#32 Provo Canyon School2019-08-23 23:25We had tried to put a law suit against Provo Canyon School when I was kicked out for stupid crap and we didn’t end up getting a case. I really want to have a case with that school with just a bunch of people and shut that place down. Is anyone wanting to do that? I want to share my horrible story too. If anyone wants to talk comment below :) |
Jess |
#332019-08-30 02:26I was in provo canyon school for 18 months. I was sent there through the colorado State. Courts in grand junction. My name is Jessica Gaylord and after going through provo canyon school i will never be the same. I was drugged with high doses of lithium and prozac to the point of when they took my blood in the middle of the night i would pass out in the hallway and woke up to the nurses just laughing at me. I was stripped of all my clothes from a male staff member and stayed in a freezing room for hours. Called the observation room. But the pharmaceutical drugs were the worst for me. They stole my memories and i feel that they gave me a chemical lobotomy. Provo canyon school should be stut down! They are satists and prey on the youth of America.SHUT PROVO CANYON DOWN!! |
Jess |
#34 Re: Provo Canyon School2019-08-30 02:37#32: A person lol - Provo Canyon School Shut provo canyon school down! They prey on the youth of America, they rob our minds with pills and beat us down with their words and fists! I will never stop speaking out! |
Dork-with a Story (513) |
#362019-11-05 06:09 I'm doing a school project around Provo and what it did to me as a person. That is the ONLY reason I'm even on this site right now, re-visiting all these memories. it seems to be a reoccurring thing to say that while being there it feels like a part of you died... and I totally stay by that.
I lived there for about five years? and the only way that detail survived with me for this long is because it became a game among me and my peers. A sick twisted contest of who's been there the longest! that place had little kids quoting how long their stay was, like little bickering twins arguing over who's the oldest. my friend that was also there beat me by a year or two at least... and that would make me jealous. Because among us that meant she won. Won what exactly? To think that that very game might still be going on makes me sick.
I was there before and after they added the splash pad, playground, and all the activities. And I'll tell you, the younger version of me would say that that was the best thing ever! But so is the hushing up a crying kid with candy tactic. they aren't lying when they call it a "mental" institution. mind manipulation is right up in their alley, and they knew EXACTLY what they were doing. they STILL do. my bad I forgot that I shouldn't use the past tense here. fires down in hell still burn there.
By the time I got there most of the abuse and fighting were toned down, but I'm also a girl and was in the kid's sector. so I kinda lucked out with all that. But oooh boy! was the mental abuse really on frickin point! they have these rooms for kids that get out of control. the one in my cottage, (do they even still call them that???) had this painful bumpy jagged concrete or pavement floor. I messed up my knees pretty badly all the time in there. And the room had brick walls. here's a "funny" thing, apparently, when you are pissed, -no devasted and mentally tortured. the LAST thing you want to see is a happy little baby deer with pretty little birdies and a hollow and fake ass blue sky... staring down at you while you cry, helplessly.
I don't want to negatively bash the place too much. because as much as I hate to say it, I did need a lot of the treatment there. I want the place to be gone, don't get me wrong, but some people do need the help that they provide. but I'll give them that only when IT IS USED IN MODERATION! and this seems to be a foreign concept to them.
I want the place to die, and to stay dead! but I also think we need something like it to pop out of Provo's ashes. Something akin to it, but also something that can take what Provo was originally trying to do and do it right this time around. People are not designer hedges that you can trim and prune and brainwash to your liking. Even if all the pruning and cutting started out with good intentions.
This was 513, or Dork-with a Story.
and the last thing that I want to say is to everyone who reads this and all the other comments is: Remember to love yourself! and know that everything shapes us into who we are. this place might be hell. it surely was and is for me and many others commenting here but without "hell" or all of the bad what worth would any of the "good" have? Go give someone you love a hug! Or go harras a pet! But most importantly, have a beautiful day! |
309 |
#37 Wow2019-12-07 16:47I went to the girls home, and it was the absolute worst. Being taken away the ability to eat, getting my name taken away, the verbal abuse and threats, the gangs beating me half to death. I wasn't allowed to live, be myself, or die. It was suffering. They need to shut it down. |
666 |
#38 Re:2020-03-24 01:01The staff raped several kids? That's not true sane adults will not believe crazy stupid kids that are known for making up dumb shit |
Haha |
#39 Re: A total nightmare2020-03-24 01:07#26: Anonymous - A total nightmare You should explain what happened to you and they're not going to shut down the place because of one staff that was rude . idiot |
You’re dumb |
#40 Re: Re: PCS holocaust2020-03-24 01:08#30: WickedJester - Re: PCS holocaust Whats shivec????? Lol |
Poured Soul Art |
#41 May you all find peace2020-09-21 09:19I have read horror stories which has led me to discover this petition. I didn't attend Provo but was mentally, emotionally and sexually abused as a kid by a childhood friends step dad after school. At least I was allowed to leave but my heart aches for all those who had no choice but to endure non-stop cruelty in such inhumane ways for months and years. I signed this petition because not only do I support and stand with you on this cause but also because I feel like all those employed should be charged as well. Did you know even Dr. Phil recommends this school to parents, it's so so sad and I am so truly sorry so many of you are scared silent. May you find your peace and your voices someday my friends, I can only hope after 8 years since this petition started and over 50 since Provo was opened... Justice is served to those who survived and rememberance for those who were not as fortunate. May you all be well, 2020 is the year anything can happen! Keeping you all in my thoughts. |
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2021-02-22 20:18- Date of removal: 2021-02-22
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Tiel Erlach |
#43 Why?2021-02-22 20:21Although I normally sign all the petitions here, I can't understand why the school shall be closed down. I graduated from college this year and needed time to write research paper for me as my school was really weak in helping. Thanks to that news website I mentioned, I managed to keep up with the curriculum. But now I would dream of having more schools! |
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