Justice for Hungary! - Appeal of the Presidium of the WFH
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Justice for Hungary! - Appeal of the Presidium of the WFH.
Guest |
#262012-03-25 00:39Jelenleg harom különbözô peticio fut angol nyelven ezen a honlapon. Tartalomban mindharom közös -harcot folytatunk a Magyarorszagot, miniszterelnökünket es a kormanyt ert meltatlan es hazug tamadasok ellen. Kerünk MINDENKIT, hogy irja ala mindharom peticiot, hogy ne aprozodjon el a tiltakozasunk, hanem, hogy nagy szamu alairast tudjunk gyüjteni. Terjessze mindenki ismeretsegi köreben, a kollegai es szomszedai között. Meg kell mutatni, hogy összefogassal legyôzzük a GONOSZT! Isten aldja Magyarorszagot. |
Guest |
#272012-03-25 02:43Mi magyarok soha nem serelmeztuk elege, az ellenunk elkovetett torvenytelen,agressziv,nepelnyomo cselekedeteket (Dozsa Gy.,Mohacs,Trianon, 1956, es "MOST"...Masok iranti tiszteletunk,reszunkre is joggal elvarando !!! |
Guest |
#282012-03-25 08:00Read this book:"The Archduke and the Assassin", by Lavender Cassels.Very informative, indicates the weapons used in the Archdukes assassination were supplied by the Serbian Black Hand. |
Jack |
#30 Re: Friedom for Hungary2012-03-26 03:38hope is not a solution,acting only counts when dealing with discrimination. GOD SAVE FREE HUNGARY
Berlioz |
#312012-04-09 23:46Yes, Justice for Hungary. Incredible, the massive attack from all sides. The EU, the IMF, even the US. The newspapers, not all left=liberal ones either. The Economist, the Financial Times, the Times, Figaro are not left-liberal. Orban must be doing something right that he's got everybody mad at him. There are so many misunderstandings and just plain lies. It will all come clear later. Hungary is fighting for her self-determination and for a European Union of sovereign nations and peoples, not a union of the market. Like 56, this small, but scrappy nation will in the long run show the way out. But it will be a long hard fight. There are very big powers massed against us. And no tanks. can't throw Molotov cocktails at these. But we can change things. Already, othr countries are taxing the banksters and multinationals. Portugal has nationalised the private pensions. Not a peep out of the EU. It is Orban who is public enemy no. 1. We have to keep backing him, even if they ruin the Hungarian economy. They hope that the people will turn away from him then, and they can oust him like they did to Berlusconi and Papandreou. I don't think it will work this time. But the Hungarian people have to back him en masse. Otherwise, we're lost. Orban is fighting for us. |
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