Robin Deakin Boxing Licence
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Robin Deakin Boxing Licence.
Guest |
#22014-04-15 17:43Please sign; nobody should have their right to earn a living halted absent any reasonable grounds. |
Guest |
#52014-04-16 09:05Robin Deakin always gives 100% and it's fighters like him that keep te sport alive. I've never seen him in a boring fight and never seen him badly hurt in a boxing ring. |
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#72014-04-16 10:24Give the man his Chance deserves to be back doing what he loves always fighting top fighters away from home at short notice fantastic bravery & a great server to the sport |
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#82014-04-16 10:28Give robin a chance, new trainer and new prospects, he is a fighter who just wants to fight, give him the chance and I bet he'll repay you!! |
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#92014-04-16 10:31Thevlads passed his meds n stuff let the boxer earn a living out off something he loves doin |
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#102014-04-16 11:35Hope everyone gets behind Robin, Get him back in the ring where he belongs... |
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#122014-04-16 13:14This fella is a tough cookie. Much better than his record states ...if he passes the medicals can't see why he can't fight. |
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#132014-04-16 14:03He has such has a great talent. And should be able to do what his born to do :) |
Boxing Writer Guest |
#142014-04-16 14:20I know Robin personally and professionally, and I know that he is perfectly healthy and fully competent to do his job as a journeyman boxer. Without journeymen, boxing simply wouldn't survive. All fighters are spoon fed easy wins over such men in the early parts of their careers, but at least Robin always gives his all and the crowd are always entertained by his bouts. To take his license is effectively stopping him from earning a living. To stop him from earning a living is effectively taking the roof from above his head and the food from his table! |
Guest |
#152014-04-16 15:03I've known and supported Robin since before his first pro fight, taking away his licence is unbelievable , boxing needs fighters like Robin , anyone who knows boxing will know that. Robin is a warrior and the most entertaining boxer I've seen in recent years and yes I am biased, but I'd still say the same if I didn't know him personally, give him back his licence and let him fight on , it makes no sense to take his livelihood away. Get Robin back doing what he does best, entertaining the crowds. |
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#162014-04-16 15:07Robin deserves to get his British Licence back. He may have been quoted by the national press as Britains Worst Boxer but to be honest you cannot fault robins attitude. He goes into every bout that he has absolutely buzzing and he never fails to put up a good fight. |
Guest |
#172014-04-16 15:33robbin definately deserves his licence back which in my opinion was took off him controversialy he rarely gets knocked out and is entertaining and value for money!maybe he wasnt training as hard as he should of been but i hope and i do believe if he was given another chance he would certainly train to his best1 i for one believe he should be granted his license back! |
Guest |
#182014-04-16 15:53I'm signing this for the simple fact that Robin should not be denied doing what he loves or denied earning a living. The is no medical reason why his licence was withdrawn and his 'record' is deceiving. He has took fights at last minute to save shows against 'prospects' naturally heavier with unbeaten records. The odds have been against him before he steps foot in the ring. Always in the away corner and close fights going against him because of this. Has never been 'hurt' and rarely stopped but when so he has been on his feet. Has mixed with the best and gave a good account of himself, flooring and pushing close top fighters at days notice. This time around he does not intend to be 'used' and take fights at days notice. He intends to do it how it should be done, but he needs that chance to do that and that chance would be to have his licence. |
Julie Whitfield Guest |
#202014-04-16 16:06This lad deserves another shot at his license, he is very passionate about what he does and we all believe in him. He is a fighter let him continue to fight.
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#222014-04-16 17:28Robin is a credit to the sport he helps out a lot of young fighters develop in there careers he's in good health and should be no reason why he can't have he's license back |
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#232014-04-16 18:10Robin passion is boxing, he should be allowed to have his British Licence back. His proved alot of people in the medical field wrong by undertaking a sport and continuing to pursue his passion even after so many knock backs. He knows how to work the crowd and never gives up a Real sportsman. |
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#242014-04-16 18:40I've boxed this guy and he is great for the sport very entertaining always pleases the crowd. The sport and its fans would truly miss a character like robin if his licence is taken away |
Guest |
#252014-04-16 19:16Please re-instate Robin's British Licence! If you don't you a crushing a man's dreams and future. |
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