STOP Multipurpose Community Facility in Kingsway, Dee Why


/ #4

2013-05-05 23:32

Key issues with the multipurpose facility:
(a) the location for the facility is totally inappropriate due to practicality (traffic/congestion/overpopulated area already), accessibility and sustainability (the are is a nature habitat, home to endangered specied such as ring tail and brush tail possums, kookaburras, cockatoos and hundreds of other birds
(b)the community has NOT been consulted - the Council relies on the information being available on their webpage, however more than 2/3 has no access to technology. Not a single letterdrop was done to anyone in Dee Why where there is a majority of elder generation
(c) community concerns were raised by some local residents in August 2012, when they encountered a small picture in the Manly Daily advising "by the by" what may happen - the council never properly reacted to those, neither did the Premier of NSW.

Not a single person in the area is for this proposal - everyone agrees to a PCYC, however everyone disagrees with the location.
In addition, it seems the PCYC is simply an excuse to cover up a large carpark (as the PCYC part would be a small part of the overall complex only).