Petition to Allow Wausau West Master Singers to Sing
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/ #23 Re:2013-10-06 06:15Just so you know Mr. Buch chooses literature from all different aspects of cultures and religion. The only reason that Christian songs apear is because they were composed by the great! Handle, Bach, Motzart and many more. The fact is that these songs were composed in a time era when the church had control over everything. So of course the songs will be about God and Jesus. Its called history. Those peices are what music really is. Take them for the what the musical aspect is. Thats what Mr. Buch does. As a student of his I have never once felt religion pushed on me. It sickens me that people such as yourself are singling him out for doing the best job that he can do. I would also like to point out that if you understood anything about how Mr. Buch works you would understand that he is infact the mostfair and honest person in the world. The master singers is a group compiled of musicians that quite frankly have to be musically inclined. Its not a group that he can take chances with and its also not a group nessesarily made from the best. Im sure that there are plenty of great singers who didnt make it into the group. Not because they are bad but maybe they couldnt learn the songs quickly (thats a nessesity in master singers) or maybe they had a unique tone that didnt blend well with other voices. Blending is what master singers is all about so I would say thats important. As a current member of master singers I can honestly say I was shocked by Buchs decision this year as far as who made it in the group and who didnt. But after practicing and hearing the blend it all makes sense now! He is a very wise and respected man who deserves more than this garbage that your throwing at him. To me it sounds like you are jelous because he didnt see your "talent" the first time you sang "My Country Tis' of Thee" for him. As far as the pop concert goes, maybe your siblings didnt get in cause they werent good enouph. Just because they are in a band who happens to be followed by a bunch of tone deaf teenages doesnt qualify them as a good singer or musician. I am quite confident that I am a good singer and Im not just saying that but i have infact earned that title because I have performed in competitions that real musicians attend who have their doctoret in music and I have left them speechless. But I didnt make it in the pop concert... does this automatically mean Buch was unfair?... NO! It means I didnt make the cut. It means others were better than me. It means Buch was trying to make the program the best that it could be and not pick favorites. Every year the people who attend the pop concert have never been let down. Thats because he chooses only the best. Because he has done that he not only brings the comunity together but he also has brought PBS in to do a documentry on the program this year! He has worked hard for what he has accomplished. I really hope you will give the guy a second look because he has changed my life for the better. And its because of him that Im excited to come to school every day. Please dont limit that because you didnt have the opportunity that others had. Life isnt fair. |
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