United Nations Human Rights Council


/ #10

2013-11-08 13:21

Dear Sir/Madam,

As you are surely informed, the Islamic Republic of Iran has increased the killing of political prisoners over the past few days. What proves this crime committed by the Islamic Republic is the killing of Habibollah Golparipour and Reza Esmaeili, performance of the death sentence of seven Kurds in a single day in Kurdistan and Urmia prisons, and mass execution of sixteen Baloch prisoners. At the present, at least six Kurd political activists and four Ahwazi Arabs are waiting for their inhumane death sentence to be performed. As far as we know, the number of such sentences is instantly increasing. To condemn these executions and to prevent the performance of other similar sentences and the extension of this stream of executions to big prisons such as Evin, Rajaei Shahr, etc. we impatiently ask you to take necessary actions in any way you deem wise.

Best Regards