Say no to stalybridge mosque
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/ #565 Re:2013-11-17 13:20#564: - So unless you've been to India you're not allowed to comment. That's like MY Indian work colleague saying to you YOU'RE not allowed to comment because you weren't born and raised there like him. Which specific comments and opinions ars based on 'what I've been told and various sketchy sources'? Making lazy, fatuous accusations fully exposes the paucity and lack of reason in your ARGUMENT. I virtually never read ANY mainstream media newspaper as they're so untrustworthy and fundamentally biased towards the prevailing liberal flow or busy pandering to what they think are the preconceived ideas of their readership. Which 'blog about living in a Muslim area' are you referring to, 'The Islamic republic of Dewsbury' is a book. I've seen plenty of the world and the UK and have learned for example that the modern establishment promotion of, and zeal for, multiculturalism and indeed mass immigration ONLY applies to White/western countries. In SE Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, China, Japan, Russia et al there is nothing to compare with the planned, ceaseless deluge of unwanted and unnecessary mass immigration (as opposed to the controlled immigration of needed migrants they have in many other countries outside Europe) imposed on Britain and Europe. Demonstrate a single example of 'hatred' in one of my posts, but then you don't deal in specifics or reasoned counter arguments, just abuse and demonisation based on modish received opinion. There's no connection between prejudice (i.e. unreasoning bigotry) and addressing, as opposed to your deliberately ignoring, the many serious problems, anger and divisions surrounding this issue, because they don't fit in with your preconceived ideas and might spoil your enjoyment of the diminishing harmony this once happy, united and homogenous nation, despite its problems, once enjoyed. The similar 'wilful ignorance and putting your head in the sand approach', in this case by the authorities, plus the usual, insular deliberate non-integration behaviour of the local Muslim community is what led directly to the riots in northern cities of twelve years ago. There may well be a lot worse to come. By the way he isn't a 'friend' just a work colleague. He's not a Hindu either but don't let facts get in the way of your fabricated, unreasoned statements. There are mass divisions and constant outburtsts of violence and atrocity in India, particularly between Hindus and Muslims and enmity between Sikhs and Muslims (spot the common factor). In Myanmar some Buddhist groups, of all people, led by their priests have taken to massacring Muslims (spot the common factor) as the latter's population, self-imposed separatism and general encroachment has got imcreasingly out of control. It was Ilsmaic demographic expansionism that provided the major spark in the Balkans conflict twenty years ago (spot the common factor). To prevent similar events here Britain needs to look hard and honestly at the problem and take action now.
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Release 100 Years Movie ASAP (2026? 2027?)
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
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