Say no to stalybridge mosque
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/ #569 Re:2013-11-18 21:14#567: - It isn't a community centere, it's a mosque as the applicants themselves have confirmed. It's not 'another religion' it's specifically Islam that many people have a problem with. A Mormon tabernacle for example would have attracted virtually no comment or objection from locals. Explain where my reasoning is 'massively skewed' as opposed to your usual, brainless statement making. Very little has been 'pointed out' simply a stream of irrelevant abuse such as 'racist', something you have now resorted to increasingly, or received PC opinion directed at anyone who disagrees with Islam being encroached into yet another town. When points have been made I have responded directly with reasoned argument. As fully evidenced by the fact you have repeatedly failed to back up, explain or elaborate on any of your repeated meaningless statements when challenged to do so. I don't mind living in a town with Black people, no doubt some DO and they are perfectly within their rights to do so. Your retreat to the safe, but irrelevant ground of racist demonisation fully demonstrates the lack of depth, reason and logic in your argument. If you find 'logic' disgusting you're beyond redemption. It's not my town and race isn't the issue despite the false security of your mental straitjacket forcing you to repeat the same delusional mantra. It's the imposition of an alien, expansionist cuture people are objecting to, the nature and problems with which have been repeatedly, specifically and accurately referenced on here. I'm not worried about 'what other people are doing' I am however specifically concerned about the behaviour of a certain cultural group and a specific example of its expansion into the locality due to the numerous and growing examples throughout the country of what happens when this group moves into an area, for all the reasons repeatedly outlined by myself and others, reasons you are totally and dleiberately oblivious to due to your obseession with the, irrelevant to this case, racism issue. Give a specific example of my 'venom', but of course you can't because that's yet another fabricated, meaningless, abusive statement. I'm not angry, it is manifest however that you are as evidenced by your repeated use of irrelevant, demonisation and abuse. Like many I am extremely dissatisfied with the government, but it's not hatred of the kind you mean, i.e blind hatred, it's based, as is my opposition to Islamic expansionism in the UK, on the massive destruction our political establishment has done to our native culture and identity, especially over the last twenty years with their ruinous and destructive mass, uncontrolled immigration policies. The fact that their combined share of the vote has fallen from over 90% to 60% in that period shows how widespread the disenchantment of the British people is.
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Release 100 Years Movie ASAP (2026? 2027?)
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
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