Unknown Warehouse Rave

Jessie Walks

/ #32

2014-02-03 16:08

Number 20 obviously has no passion for the music that the rest of the people that attend Unknown rave do this rave is about the music and showing off the amazing techno talents that Sunderland city centre has yet to have seen because they are too busy playing bloody Rhianna and the rest of the commercial rubbish that no one with any taste in music actually likes. A group of local young people getting together and enjoying music together and dancing is all it is the beach rave was one of the most surreal amazing nights ever and 300+ people enjoying themselves is bad why? People take drugs everywhere not just at raves this is not at the fault of the promoter what people decide to do. I know I have seen more swinging jaws and students stinking of mcat than leave Passion and Union than I have ever seen at Unknown. I personally drive do not drink do not take drugs I enjoy the music and dance all night so if anything I am doing exercise since when was that a crime? What is your problem honestly? There has never been any trouble or any danger to public safety the promoters even stay after the raves to clean up after themselves what other young people do you know that would pick litter up after themselves let along after hundreds of ravers? And aww how sad you even have to make stuff up like people carrying knives to try and make your self seem credible.. Bore off!! Lots of love Jess Walker!