
/ #283 Educational Need

2014-02-25 21:43

It has been suggested that the decision has already been made. I disagree. The KCC Education Committee that voted upon the educational need, was misled, you only have to watch the online webcast to see that

One member asked if any other site was considered. By carefully wording the reply, the only option was, not unless KCC paid for it! What about the free land that KCC had turned down on 106 agreements

Another member stated that he hoped that children from the north of Sittingbourne wouldn't have to get across to use the school. Really, why didn't he have access to the dot maps showing that is where the existing school come from

Why didn't they tell them it's Grade 2 Agricultural Land?, They should only use this as a last resort!! So why did KCC Officers not tell the truth".......

Simple. They had already made up their minds. Does that make it right, or should people object to the legal process which KCC are choosing to ignore