BC Government - Mines Permit Fees


/ #40 Effect of Permit Fees

2014-02-26 21:27

This is detrimental to all operations even the large scale. As they are already taxed as their books are open to the government, why should they also pay for all exploration work they do. Exploration work is important in order to find the gold, in order to turn a profit to pay taxes. This will have a huge effect on them, as each area requires a NOW. Tim, if we fight this there is the probability it will be stopped. I see this a a much larger picture, I see it as the death or the Placer Industry period. People who pan feel they are not affected, well they are, as once legislation is allowed to get to this point, there will be more fees, levies, permits, etc., and eventually there will be a collapse. I have every belief that the different organizations throughout British Columbia and the core voice of "all" of those with vested interest will defeat this. Encourage all you know to sign this petition, we need a landslide of people. Chin up better days to come.