abolish the parking regulations for commercial and rvs in kl


/ #20 Does anyone know how to read?

2014-03-24 01:45

The by-law does not abolish your rv's or even commercial equipment ion your own property. It only regulates it. It's no different than a by-law about how high you can build your fence, how many pets you are allowed to have in your house, how much noise is acceptable and at what time of day, or where you are allowed to pile the snow from your property. A mass of commercial equipment on your neighbour's lawn would negatively impact the selling power of your home. High fines are a preventative measure which saves the town and taxpayer money in the long-term as there should be less infractions and less fines. You people need to learn how to read instead of jumping to conclusions and going on a witch hunt. YOU ARE STILL ALLOWED TO HAVE YOUR RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON YOUR PROPERTY! THE TARGETS ARE THE COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT! How much time have YOU spent in positive support or participation in your community vs criticizing it and slamming it for not meeting the needs of your minority demographic. And again, the by-law DOES meet the needs of the recreational demographic.