
/ #115

2014-04-06 09:40

It makes me smile to read in the 2011 Cefas Report 'there are currently no regulations applying catch quotas for salmon in net or rod fisheries in England and Wales' So why are EASW proposing a quota as a condition for a Seine licence? It also states that net licences have decreased by 70% and angling licence take up has increased.There is no regulation on the number of rod licences issued.
Given the fact that there so many restrictive measures in place for the net fisheries (as highlighted by Cefas) and no regulation on rod numbers the potential increase in exploitation of Tamar stock lies with the rod fishery.If rod licence holders are allowed to take 34% of their catch and they increase in number annually they will be exploiting any gains made from the 2004 NLO.What baffles me is why is the Tamar CL 395 eggs/100m squared the highest in the country when it only has 293(ha)accessible wettable area while other areas with bigger awa's have significantly lower CL's ie the Tyne 542(ha)has a Cl of 208 and the TAW 274 awa and a CL OF 211.
After going through numerous Cefas reports I'm amazed at the number of references to the inefficiency of counters both resistivity and acoustic and the number of apologies and corrections made to the data.Given the significance of this counter data in calculating salmon stocks it must question the whole evaluation of the North Atlantic Salmon Stocks and I hope FFO pick this up and question these figures and their consequences past and present at the highest level.