Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority


/ #165 Molester with a Badge

2014-05-25 10:41

As the former supervisor of the victim, and also the cousin of another one of San Juan Co's Sheriff's deputies (not involved with this incident), I am highly disappointed in the outcome of this case. How is it that we allow someone in the position of authority to use their power in perverse and inappropriate - not to mention ILLEGAL ways to walk away scott-free and continue to "serve" the community? A statute of limitations should not be of issue, given that the victim was a minor at the time. Corruption is in play here and the question I have in all of this nonsense is... just who's dick did Brown suck to not be held accountable? How many other pedo's and sexual abusers are we as a community entrusting to "protect" us when THEY are the ones we need to be protected from??!?! Brown should be in prison. Period.