Stop The Pit Bull Ban In Holton, Ks (2014)


/ #47 petition to Stop The Pit Bull Ban In Holton, Ks

2014-09-17 23:46

no dog breed needs to be  banned...people need to be educated  including law officials, courts and  local schools to teach the children ..responsibility, compassion and  the respect to life...unless you are not willing  to ammend the laws to a very obvious problem with byb, puppymills  and  illeagal  fights/gambling... violence to animals..  you are the problem..... not a dog..specifically today this  dog  now is a pitbull... yesterday  you chose to say dobes, shepherds  so now you call them aggressive breeds.. ..  so excuse me if i am wrong  but you have heard this before and it would seem it is falling on your deaf ears..selective hearing i believe thats called...  when a system is broken and issues come up...  officials like to take the easy way out and remove the problem...  we all see this...  it is you who takes our voice away by  moving on.. making excuses.. and  this is the best 1   passing the buck....  so i ask you sincerly ...where is the problem  and   who has control of the solution??????????  if u r not  doing a solution that is  intelligent , indiscrimanate.. and open to  educating communities and supporting shelters  abiding to the already laws in place  i actually believe  you should be banned...  not being disrespectful here i am being forth right with genuine concern in how can any intelligent human being..educated believe destroying ''A'' breed is a answer.. banning.. or killing????????????????????? more to the point actually ..shame on you.....pamela smith