Stop The Pit Bull Ban In Holton, Ks (2014)
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Stop The Pit Bull Ban In Holton, Ks (2014).
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#12014-05-09 14:35I have never met a bad breed of any dog. There are bad people who abuse pets and bad people who abuse children. |
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#32014-05-09 15:36I'm a college graduate student studying business and because of this ban my bully's and I will not be moving back to my hometown. In return Holton will be losing vital money taxes and future business. Make the smart move this isn't 1985 anymore it's the owner not the breed stop this hate! |
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#42014-05-09 15:39Let's get the spelling and English corrected to establish credibility for our purpose. |
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#52014-05-09 16:21I've never once encountered a pitbull that has ever attacked anyone. Quite honestly, this is sad they're trying to do such a thing to a loving breed. Has the dog itself done anything wrong? No, you say? Then why are they suddenly a problem? |
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#62014-05-09 16:31My cousin has two beautiful pitts, and they are the nicest dogs I've ever met in my life. I'm not big on dogs, but these two have stolen my heart. They are just as LOVING as any other. Maybe it's the wrong type of people that think it's ok to raise monsters. And pittbulls are not the only breed of that manner. |
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#72014-05-09 16:32There is no reason pit bulls can't be in Holton its all how u treat them there are good pits they are not all mean I have been around pits my hole life and not once have I ever seen a bad one |
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#8 Re:2014-05-09 16:37I need to agree with this comment. I'm sure there is a way to edit the petition wording. Please fix the grammar and spelling or I'm afraid it will not be taken seriously. |
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#92014-05-09 16:57i.m glad someone is finally stepping up for this breed if people would just take the time and love these dogs they would see thats all they ask for and they'll stay loyal and faithful to their owners for life |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2014-05-09 17:25- Date of removal: 2014-05-09
- Reason for removal:
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#112014-05-09 21:03I use to live in Holton and I've never known any Pit's to attack anyone! They are the sweetest animals and it's all in how they are raised! Please rescind the Pit Bull ban!!! |
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#122014-05-09 22:12"It depends on a number of things such as genes, temperament and most obvious, how the dog is raised and trained." It's not the 80's anymore. Living in the past isn't worth it. |
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#132014-05-09 22:13It is not the breed of dog that is bad. It is how the animal is treated |
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#142014-05-09 22:36I met my boyfriend's friends' pit bull, Maverick, while visiting the town of Holton. He is the most friendly, playful, loveable dog I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, this ban is not necessary! |
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#152014-05-09 22:49I have never met a mean pitbull. A dog will act however the owner who raises it trains it to act, regardless of the breed. A ban against any breed is ridiculous. |
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#162014-05-09 23:34I believed that taking away these animals poor innocent rights is lawfully wrong. There is no reason as to why this was even brought up. As someone who use to live in Bolton and owns a pittbull this law is horrifying. I could never get rid of my dog, my kid cause of some stupid comment made. There are dogs out there that are the same as these breed of dogs. I know for a fact that if your gonna take away pittbull rights you should get rid of the whose bully breed. Which is more dogs than what people know. Please consider this. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2014-05-09 23:59- Date of removal: 2014-05-10
- Reason for removal: THEY SUCK AT LIFE
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#182014-05-10 01:19PittBulls are good dogs dont look at the dog look at the owners that raise them wrong but if you are a good PittBull owner you will know because they are sweet dogs good listeners and very, very, loyol. |
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#192014-05-10 01:35I have had my Pittbull Baby Girl for more then 4 years, n to let you know something about her: she loves kids scared of fans and charging toddlers she ran to us with her tale between her legs and ran behind us that didnt work so she jump behind the couch thats what she did when we first introduced her to our nephew but she loves him and other toddlers now, but she is still scared of fans that has not changed i can blame her Fans are kinda scary lol J/K. Brandon Salazar & I live in Holton |
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#202014-05-10 01:45My son lives at my house with is pittbulls i have never had any problems with them if you ask me they are the happiest when they are around people. |
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#212014-05-10 02:32Breed banning needs to be illegal... you should judge the crime/criminal not the breed!! You allow convicted child molesters... rapists.... drug dealers and other felons live on your town and you don't consider them vicious but you will ban loving companions who have done nothing wrong? Do you NOT see how wrong this is?? Please reconsider your decision!! |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2014-05-10 03:24- Date of removal: 2014-05-10
- Reason for removal:
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#232014-05-10 03:24It is time we stand up and let these uniformed people it is a crock that pit bulls are viscous.It is the idiot human that make them mean by abusing and torturing these poor creatures. |
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#242014-05-10 03:36Banning certain breeds that have been good k-9 companios needs to be stopped-- are you going to ban all criminals too??? |
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#252014-05-10 05:23Although SOME pitbulls are aggressive and some are harmless. It's time to blame the other side of the leash(owners) who are teaching their dogs that being aggressive and violent is okay. All breeds are trying to please their owners and sadly some owners are teaching them to be mean. I have meet two pitbulls and there are the nicest, loyal, calm pitbulls I've meet so far. For once think about it, is it the dog or the humans who are giving a bad name to the pitbull breed. If you don't like the breed because of an accident I apologize but not all dogs are the same don't punish all dogs just because of one dog. |
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