
Fuck Randy Pitchford

/ #102 Re: B.I.A

2011-09-01 18:46

#25: a Travesty! -  

 First of all,BIA hill 30 and E.I.B were the best online because you could control your own quad.then Randy Pitchford and Gearbox totally Fucked the multiplayer on Hell's Highway. I did'nt purchase Borderlands or Duke Nukem. what a fucking joke. Any game with the Gearbox logo on it. I will never purchase again because Randy Pitchford and Gearbox totally broke my heart with Hell's Highway.Untill they fix the online consept of controlling my own soilders in a new BIA title. I pray that the whole company falls to it knees and callapses. Fuck Gearbox stick to BIA and improve on it. What a bunch of FUCKING Dumb asses. and tell Randy Pitchford to stop over hyping dumb ass games. just make BIA.