Straight talk

/ #393 Re: Re: Re:

2014-11-28 18:23

#389: - Re: Re:  

 I have restrains myself from your mentality of name calling and continue to concentrate on the real matters. You appear to act in this way to maybe turn this petion process into a joke. However this is not a joke this is a very important process that needs to be done to get rid of LG and this union. It is highly time that we take serious the kind of real leadership that we need to better our position with AA. It is imperative for us and our family to have a contract that will benefit us and that will only happen with a different representation!!!!!! Now let's be very clear I have never said that I hate AA that is what you said I said! I actually love AA. This why I feel that it is us(FA's) who must save AA by not letting it become this low cost airline that want to give its employees low wages. That will in turn produce lie moral and disgruntled employees which will in turn be not profital for AA!!!!! Already we are losing customers to United because of changes that have been made etc: the snack baskets in FC. Just have a talk with dome of our EP's!!!! We must stand together in unity and demand comparable wages and other things that the other few major airlines have. Save AA!!!!!