Community against changing the cross

Tiffany Hirdes
The author of this petition

/ #9

2015-01-07 17:07

In regards to my recent petition to keep the cross on Dewey Hill. I have spoken with the Facebook page administrator of Keep the Grand Haven cross, it has come to my attention that a petition has already been submitted to the City council with well over 2,000 signatures. With that being said the ones who have signed my petition will still have their voices heard! I am teaming up with the administrative group that is spearheading the campaign to keep the cross.We have just under one year to fight this change for our community. The ultimate plan is to create a Dewey hill foundation that will raise money to purchase Dewey Hill. This will obviously then become the foundations property to do with it as we choose. It is costing the city money to continue to battle with keeping the cross and the city was at risk of being sued if it was kept. Please continue to follow and support our efforts for purchasing Dewey Hill and Keeping our cross! More updates to come :-)