Hands Off Hartlebury Common

Steve McCarron

/ #1520 Twat?

2011-09-19 19:07

Reason for removal:

"Barnett you'll be dead soon." Mr Guest, are you an astrologer or a hit man?


"You old ?" Well done Mr guest, Mr Barnett is of senior years.


"twat" Is that a sound effect from the old Batman series on telly


"Mccarron your a waste of space." I have  managed to take your time up, so I have achieved at least one good thing, and  anyway, lots of people disagree with you Mr Guest  which is why our campaign  is  financially supported by members of the public.


"Cant even keep your own business running" Which business, is it your business or mine, do you know?


"so how can you represent the people of hartlebury???" I can't tell you it's a secret, but if your very good and sign my petetion I can coach you on how to communicate with people.


"Course they will spook they're live animals. Like dogs can attack but most don't. Stupid cow." This is definatley not the way to do it, naughty Mr Guest, stand at the back of the class!