Stop Myshall Puppy Farm regaining its licence


/ #43

2015-07-17 07:21

If these people are allowed to get their licence back, what is that saying about this country we are already known as the puppy farm capital. Laws need to be changed and people need harsher punishments brought in that would protect all animals instead of just a slap on the wrist and allow them to go back to doing it again. All these politicians that say that they are going to help and want to stop all this cruelty especially when it comes to elections or they want something from you and we all know that they won't don't do anything about it as they are all talk. I want to know what does this say to our children, who are growning up here in this country that it is okay to treat an animal like that and use them for breeding, dog bait or even kick, burn or torture an animal that it is okay to do so, the only punishment for this is a slap on the wrist. It would also make you wonder as they say that they are going to make changes to the Law and it never happens and by allowing this to continue we are telling these people who are too lazy to go out and get a proper job that it is okay to keep use these dog's as breeding machines so you can fund your fancy holidays, big houses and cars. Who is going to make a stand and say enough is enough or are they more worried about the kick backs that they are getting from these people to care what happens.