Reinstate Mr. Thomas Leahy


/ #233

2015-11-06 06:53

Any educator who loses his job over showing a video aimed at fixing a problem such as this...a video that seeks to instill empathy into those who might otherwise choose to victimize...a video with the sheer message of compassion and understanding...THAT educator was a hero. A martyr within the profession.

Any district that would strip someone of their position as educator for showing this film, is a district that should be ashamed. What is that district seeking to promote? How can reasonable people seek to fire someone for attempting to inspire positive change? And YES, no matter what you believe about homosexuality, being empathetic and compassionate...choosing the path that doesn't bully or ruin lives...THAT is a path of positive change.

I can't see how any decent being would have a problem with this video. I can understand that there may be some consequences involved due to the push back from the parents. (Although, I would be ashamed to be one of those parents.) But, for him to lose his job when he was CLEARLY taking the path of wisdom and compassion...that is beyond wrong. He was brave enough and cared enough to make an attempt to make a difference. Conway Springs should be so ashamed. I am sincerely glad I don't have students there...or I would choose to remove them.

To his gay students, or those with homosexual friends and family members, this teacher will forever be a hero. And the school district will forever be a disappointing failure.

I pray that reason will be found and win out. We NEED educators who will stand in the storm and seek to shield those that need shielding the most. We NEED people who are brave enough to do what is right for their students. And turning a blind eye to discrimination helps no one. The bullied spiral into a deeper feeling of insignificance and desperation, and the bullies grow into uglier and more dysfunctional creatures. SOMEONE must stand up and say, "Hey, you don't have to agree with everyone else, but you DO need to show them some respect. And MAYBE if you can put yourselves in their shoes for just a few minutes, you can choose to relate to them in a more appropriate and PRODUCTIVE way." And isn't that what we're here for? We teach to make the world a better place one student and one act at a time...