كمپين حمايت از علي ضيا مجري توانمند صدا و سيما


/ #199

2015-11-08 17:37

It is really inhumane to turn something personal to a public event. I don't know what happened that day and I don't want to know as it is really none of my business but I know whatever happened wasn't grave enough for a young man to lose his job! Ma age be mosalmoon boodanemoon eftekhar mikonim khoobe baazi az khosoosiyate yek mosalmoon ro ham dashte bashim. The glory is not in making people fall, it's in helping them grow!! Ba barkenar kardane agahaye ziya faghat be baghiye keshvara sabet mikonim ke ma vase kasaee ke vasamoon salha zahmat mikeshan hich arzeshi ghael nistim va bekhatere yek eshtebah oon shakhsro kamelan az yad mibarim va vase nabood kardanesh talash mikonim!