We must ban Muslim immigration and ban Islam in CANADA


/ #15 Canada is a Shithole because of Current day Immigration

2015-11-16 01:44

" Filling the country with people who cannot communicate with each other, who don't share culture, values or traditions, makes the population easy to control because there is no real cohesion.
The assimilation of our populations, native people and settlers was rerouted when they were put on "reservations" and not allowed to leave for many, many years. We should have been using that time to assimilate but some greedy bastard decided it would just be easier to subjugate them. That only served to delay the inevitable. So, now we must start again.
Although I may point out some of the differences, that is not to say that I disagree that we must be very, very careful of who enters our country for the safety and security, economic and socialistic expectations and in what numbers.
And, although it may sound draconian, I do believe that the practice of speaking neither of our two official languages in public must be curtailed and, ideally ended. Traditionally, this was seen to be extremely rude. My Mother was not a first-language English speaker and she, herself, would be have been appalled at what is common practice today. The implication is that, if they are not talking about you, they would speak in English or French, kind of like whispering in someone's ear when you are at a gathering. So, not only does this create confusion and division, it also contributes to our suspicion, our inability to feel that we can trust one another. It can be equated to, something like, "I put the bomb in the bus shelter under the seat." The effect is similar anyway. Further, this habit destroys our languages because one ends up communicating at the level of a three-year old when speaking to people who have not taken the time nor made the effort to adequately learn our languages. If you want to come to terms with your native hosts, you should be learning native languages. Instead we provide ELS at great expense, to newcomers and then they don't even use it. That makes no sense at all to me.
If we are going to be a strong nation, impervious to outside attack, we need cohesion. Bringing in ever greater numbers of people and telling them that all is free only creates resentment and discord and bankrupts our social safety net. What could be more effective at creating division amongst a population that is stretched almost to the breaking point than denying them basic services, which they have already paid for, and giving those same services to complete strangers? My strong impression is that people coming here have consistently been told that our social programs are "free". Of course, we are increasingly aware that that is simply not true. Providing those services to people as an introduction to Canadian life initiates that impression and is difficult to then reverse. There needs to be strong foresight & oversight.
We won't be much help to ourselves or to the world if we continue to bankrupt ourselves socially, culturally and economically. I feel that our culture has been faltered with the onslaught of newcomers. Today, we are little bits and pieces of many cultures but our own cultural evolution was effectively ended, handicapped by the efforts to assimilate so many different peoples. We need time to put all these bits and pieces together into something that looks and feels as though it is Canadian. At the very least, we need to be able to understand each other. No more REFUGEES, IMMIGRANTS or TFW's at this time!!!