Action against Whitburn Health Clinic


/ #63

2015-12-02 13:17

Only 141 signatures in over two years!  LOL

Many of the signatures are duplicates and alternative names for the same persons - there are also a lot of coerced family members who probably only signed it for a bit of peace and quiet!  Truly laughable!

The truth is that there are probably more than 141 people who have complained about the service of thier local take-away delivery serivce.

The staff at the health centre do a great job under a great deal of pressure - think before you lash out!

Your health, and the health of your loved ones is important to the GPs and staff - but because it is more important to YOU, you will always lash out and react angrily - it's human nature.  The GPs and staff are - unfortunately - used to it, and this petition will change nothing.  People will always complain.  Chances are you are in a bad mood before you even pick up the phone, or step over the GPs threshold.  It's almost as if you are looking for issues to complain about.

All you are doing is risking being put off the list.

If you treat the staff and GPs with civility and respect, they will treat you with civility and respect back!

Ranting gets you nowhere!