Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #5143

2016-05-19 08:46

According to the first match of competition, we're still encountering the issue of the substitution request by e-system, Thereby Coach for each team already noticed the Organiser
and why this tournament owner did not tackle this problem, Eventhrough the substitution is the most important process for this match.

So, We desire to know that Does FIVB inform about that system process for each Country who joined this challenge or not? if so, how long does FIVB inform this message.

I also prefer to know that What's the vendor/company who's development this System and What's the vendor for the part of Quality assurance.

Is it possible what if this system migth be wrong processor. Then, this match would be error Somehow, the Committe's supposed to take resiposibility for this issue?