Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s


/ #10206

2016-05-19 12:24

This is a sport.... and the onus is on the Host nation to ensure a transparent process to honour the sport, the spirit of sportsmanship, and all the national teams who honour the Host by accepting invitation and participating. This role of the Host by the Japanese organizers, and representing the honour of the Japanese is suspect of being unsportsmanlike , non-transparent, and selfish to promote the Japanese national team. If they win this tournament, by ruse, and unfair treatment of other nation's competitors, this winning will be without honour, to both the Japanese team,and to the Japanese people. The issue is not to win, but to win honorably. unless there is clear investigation of the process, the umpire, and the electronic communication process to confirm that all is transparent, the performance of the Japanese team, the Host organizers will be dis graceful. The investigation should be carried out by peers who honour the sport by being honest and transparent. The reputation of Japan s being challenged by this event.