Eritrea፡We believe the Pfdj regime is a threat to Eritrea and to the horn Africa region


/ #66

2016-06-29 20:14

The Eritrean government starting from 1991 has caused and is still causing crime that is hard to describe. This includes having unlimited national service with limited salary,imprisoning people from the youngest to the oldest with out any justice courtrapping women,killing people and having people just vanish with out any concent. In addition, the fact that in Eritrea even getting a passport is not possible. There is no democracy where people can not talk what ever they want and if some one is speaking something he or she is imprisoned. Further more, there is no food supply even if some one has money. Even if there are alot of young youths dying, the governmnet of Eritrea does not give considerations to them, people be dying in Libya in Sinai but there is no concent paid to the dead and the governmnet even refuses the entry of some one to Eritrea if the person dies.There is no permanent juridical justice in the country and the fact that there was no election carried out in eritrea for many decades. There is only party that s the2 H.G.D.F. In 2016, the government closed all banks were only 5000 naqfa was to be removed nontheles if some one has money saved in the bank. This resultedd in having more starvation. Houses for thausands people were destroyed and left them in the cold. Having given all this reasons and many more, the people of Eritrea are living in horror and in fear. The government the president and his subordinates are rude,dectator and that is the reason i am doining this petotion. Thank You