Grimm S6 should not be the last


/ #363

2016-09-04 18:10

I signed this petition because I love Grimm. I love every twist and turn of each episode. I love the originality of each and every episode. I like the suspense that each episode leaves demanding me to watch the next week's episode. Why is it that all the typical no brainer stupid shows stay and shows like Grimm are cut too short. I moved from RI last year so proud that I was going to live where Grimm was based. The first place I had my husband take me was to where some of the locations Grimm was filmed. I saw where Monroe's house was, where Juliet & Nick's house was and I saw where they filmed the police station. We don't need anymore cop/detective stories or medical shows and let us not forget reality shows. Their the worst. We need Grimm we need a show that different and that's Grimm. Please don't take it off the air.