Áskorun á íslensk stjórnvöld - Barnaverndarmál í Noregi


/ #67

2016-09-15 09:35

i SIGN THIS PETITIION,because I now that the Norwegian child welfare so many times take children with out reasons..They are also lying so much, I now,because I was moved 13 times under children welfare by myself..I was closed down in the bacementwith my brother,we was beaten with hands and belts..And the foster- father was drinking so much alcohol.They also sendt me to Patriarche in France ,wher I was working as a slave for one year,The television vas there twise made movie of me.In 2007-2008 I got a little compensation from the state.3 years later they take 3 of m 5 children..1 girl 3 years old,she have Down Syndrom and astma,she was sleeping in her bed,she was sic and she had fever 39 c.Two boys 13 og 14 years old..Two police officers and 4 from the children wellfare just came to my home..My sons was so scared ,
they clung to the windowsill and table leg.But they just moved them
they used against me , that when I grew up I got too little emotional safeguarding and could therefore not give this to my children . (And i was groving up under theyr care ) But I was abel to giv it to my two oldest children ? And my daughter who was born with Down syndrom..Her problem was not her diagnos,but it was because of me,that I had give her neglect..

in court I had six professionals who testified for me , yet I lost .
4 month later a new cord begin..wher I won my daughter back..

but child protection anchor , they also request deferred Rollback to me , the case has been processed in the Court of Appeal.
Then it goes another 9months,befor a new cord.The court of Appeal..Wher I win again..Then she came home..But 15 months did I loos with my daughter..
and in emergency home she was this time , slept remembered at a kott.Ett windowless room and Dampen in the walls..Og they locked her door too .They told in the cord that the first two weeks she was there,she was
went she carried around in daze and realized nothing.She was in schock.
My youngest son 13 years old,was trited so bad..In the institusjon a bigger boy
larger boy kicked and punched him all the time , strangling him and threatened him with a knife.They moved him 5 times in two years..At least he took almost his own life,because he diddent want to be oway from me..my older son at 14 years old, just
escaped and escaped..
and last time he escaped , he refused to return.
it was better to live on the run than to live under them.

The took 3 happy children oway from me..When they was comming back,they are all destroied by the children wellfare.
Who choosed to lissen to a father who lied about me..Told them that i diddent let him meet them,that i was telling bad about him to the children,and that I was making the children sic.. In this 7 cords I had to go against,offcause they finde out that the father was lying,and so was the children wellfare doing about me to..My son who almost killed him self.

was so laid down mentally,that he was not abel to finish the school..
My other son hav not eat real food for 16 months..He can just drink.nutrition drinks and food ou can drink..The trut is that The Children Wellfare i are just destroying children and families,mostly..

they violate human rights every dag. They refuses all the time..And are saying that the world is misinformed about dem.
And that is a realy big lie..We must stop the way Children welfare are acting in Norway to da..Before more children gets broken or take their own lifes..Befor more families get destroied. We need help from the rest of the world to stop this,

because politicians will not listen to us.They just belive in children wellfare,because the have already giv them to much power..mvh.Lise H..